Monday 29 April 2013

Cameron Higlands

Friends vocation

Unexpected vocation!!! y? because we are not plan. my friends ask me to join to Cameron Highlands because some of their friends cannot join. he ask me to find another 4 person. ask my best best friends to on 7 march we departures from UUM by car.. then we are arrived on 5am.. its very very cool..after solah subuh we take a  breakfast and going to find apartment to stay..after check-in and take a bath we move to MARDI the evening we are go to tea farm then going to night market Brinchang and buy a vegetable to make a dinner and steamboat at night. in the morning we take a breakfast at apartment then check out and move to red valley strawberry..after that we are going back with a safe journey Alhamdulillah..

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