Thursday 2 May 2013

Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

 Friends vocation

I just bored at home than ask my mom to hangout. so i choose to go Bukit Tinggi at Pahang. Bukit tggi is a small town in the bentong district of pahang. this small town is located along karak expressway, notable for its famous reataurants that lure visitors coming from genting higlands. the concept of bukit tinggi differs from the other higlands in theme of theme, unlike genting which is an amusement and casio getaway, bukit tggi focus on bringging different culture flavors from abroad into malaysia. 

Although located in the lush green thick forest just like other highlands in Malaysia, Bukit Tinggi is not build for more nature and agricultural purposes. Though it shares the same climate as Cameron Highlands, Bukit Tinggi is hardly famous for tea, vegetables and fruits. On the contrary, it is well known for its French-styled Colmar Tropicale and Zen inspires Japanese Garden. The Colmar Tropicale retains the European-style architecture, decorated with cobblestone courtyard and streams of cafes and restaurants around the square, entertained by street performances and live bands, bringing you to a whole new European experience.

On the contrary, some 1000 meters above sea level is the Zen inspired Japanese Village. The village consists of a Japanese Tea house, Ryo Zan Tei authentic Japanese Restaurant, botanical garden, spa and Tatami suites. One can experience the Japanese tea ritual at their teahouse and enjoy the hot bath at the spa for a relaxing getaway. Apart from that, golf enthusiast can enjoy the 18-hole golf course at Bukit Tinggi & Country Club for a challenging golf experience. Horse trail is also available to enjoy around the scenic surroundings. You can end your visit by visiting the Rabbit Park where you will be charm by the cuteness of the fluffy rabbits.

Scout (KLKM)

Once a Scout, Always a Scout.

i have been join scout since study at polytechnic 4 years ago. so im very enjoy join dis club and i hope teenagers can join activities like scout.Scouting (or the Scout Movement) supports young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in the scout promise is :

On my honour I promise that I will do my best,

    to do my duty to God, King and country
    to help other people at all times
    to obey the Scout laws

Scout Laws

The Scout Laws are:

    A Scout's honour is to be trusted
    A Scout loyal towards the King and other Rajas, towards the Scout Masters, parents, employer and the people under him.
    A Scout is to make himself useful and helpful at all times.
    A Scout is a friend to all of any States, rank or any other religion.
    A Scout is good and kind and will always do good.
    A Scout is good and kind to animals.
    A Scout always follow his parents',Leaders' orders without any questions.
    A Scout is always patient and smile during difficulties.
    A Scout is thrifty.
    A Scout is clean and pure of thoughts, words and actions.

Monday 29 April 2013

Danok, Thailand

My Journey

almost 25 minute from UUm to Danok thailand n almost every week i go there to have dinner or to buy something. somtime my parent ask me to buy 'beras wangi'. i would like to be there because the currency is high. so malaysia have a high amount depend thailand..for example if malaysia got RM10 at the thailand is 120bath means RM12.. n the best thing at there is all the price of item or anything are more chipper than price at Malaysia. i always going there on weekends because of the night market is very large and got many choice and the price is quite chipper. and the most important thing i go there is to having dinner with "daging salai", tomyam, sayur campur and ice-cream..and i will show the process how to make Danok for me is something that i can enjoy there and shopping also window shopping because every 11am-7pm also got market. it is more to clothes, accessory, product and others. 

Diploma Convocation

Alhamdulillah, tq ALLAH..

finally after 3 years study at Polytechnic Shah Alam, i can grade in Diploma in Insurance. very thankful to my parents because always support me n to lecture and friend always help me in what ever situation. so on the dat day i have a wonderful experience and never forget. even on dat day just my parent and younger brother come on my graduation day, im so happy because i understand dat my others family member busy wit their job on weekdays.i very enjoy..n hope will get second graduation for degree.

Darbians night

Masquerade Darbian Night IV

Darbian Night is dinner for resident hall Sime darby to appreciate final year semester and to give sweet memories before they are leave uum. so, for this sem the theme is Masquerade with red black and white this sem im very ecited because first time im not join as a bureau.. on dat night i can wearing with theme so, let i show some pic that i have snap at dat nite.. 

Cameron Higlands

Friends vocation

Unexpected vocation!!! y? because we are not plan. my friends ask me to join to Cameron Highlands because some of their friends cannot join. he ask me to find another 4 person. ask my best best friends to on 7 march we departures from UUM by car.. then we are arrived on 5am.. its very very cool..after solah subuh we take a  breakfast and going to find apartment to stay..after check-in and take a bath we move to MARDI the evening we are go to tea farm then going to night market Brinchang and buy a vegetable to make a dinner and steamboat at night. in the morning we take a breakfast at apartment then check out and move to red valley strawberry..after that we are going back with a safe journey Alhamdulillah..

MARIM student chapter


special for student bachelor in Risk Management and Insurance..i was join dis and its is very best experience in UUM that i got. I was use this opportunity to find out place for practical. For the last minute MNRB Holding Berhad was cancel. then my lecture was change to relaxing place at Taman Botani Shah Alam. we are departured at 9.30pm then arrived at Sungai Buloh around 5am then street go to shah alam. on 2 o'clock we already at UMW Toyota and they give some talk then take hi-tea with them..after that we are invite to go UMW gallery. around 6 we arrived at international youth centre at cheras. then at the night we have tournament bowling game. friday morning we are going to KLIA to their Risk management department then after 1 o'clock we moveto Alamanda Putrajaya for shopping and outdoor activities. after 5pm we departured to UUM and arrived on 2am. ALHAMDULILLAH i got best experience and hope can join the company that i have visited for practical and future mabe.. =) in sha Allah.