Thursday 2 May 2013

Scout (KLKM)

Once a Scout, Always a Scout.

i have been join scout since study at polytechnic 4 years ago. so im very enjoy join dis club and i hope teenagers can join activities like scout.Scouting (or the Scout Movement) supports young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in the scout promise is :

On my honour I promise that I will do my best,

    to do my duty to God, King and country
    to help other people at all times
    to obey the Scout laws

Scout Laws

The Scout Laws are:

    A Scout's honour is to be trusted
    A Scout loyal towards the King and other Rajas, towards the Scout Masters, parents, employer and the people under him.
    A Scout is to make himself useful and helpful at all times.
    A Scout is a friend to all of any States, rank or any other religion.
    A Scout is good and kind and will always do good.
    A Scout is good and kind to animals.
    A Scout always follow his parents',Leaders' orders without any questions.
    A Scout is always patient and smile during difficulties.
    A Scout is thrifty.
    A Scout is clean and pure of thoughts, words and actions.

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